Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beaded Raspberries

This necklace is also inspired by Ms. Kaminsky of bittersweet fame (scroll down to find her picture of her raspberry necklace). I shouldn't have used black thread for the raspberries, and one looks a little squashed. If you want to try making these beaded beads yourself, I followed the directions in one of my favourite beading books, The Art of Beadwork. Although it took me a few tries to understand the instructions, it was relatively quick to bead these guys.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Beaded Blackened Hearts

I must confess, I stole this idea from one of my favourite vegan bloggers, Hannah Kaminsky and her bittersweet blog. However, I can't seem to find the necklace on her blog now. This was the first beading project I attempted after a 10+ year hiatus. Notice that one of the hearts is upside down. Whoops.

The genius behind the design (and the super easy-to-follow instructions) can be found here.

I really wish I'd paid more attention to the light before taking these photos. Sigh. My hope is that this blog will improve my skill as a photographer!

Swarovski Chrystals

Since this is the first post in my beadweaving blog, I thought I would accompany it with the first necklace I made using Swarovski chrystals. It comes from the book Bead Fantasies, and is the same as the necklace pictured on the cover. (This photo, of course, is what enticed me to buy the book!)